Sunday, October 23, 2011

a very tardy post about something very brilliant

Many months after this actually happened, but i had an absolutely amazing time watching the last Deathly Hallows part 2! I saw a midnight screening in Sydney with some lovely people, and the met some other lovely people while waiting for it to begin. I cried nearly the whole way through, i cant believe i have no more Harry Potter to looks forward to for the first time since my first HP experience at the age of 5.

The Hallows arranged on a beard


My wanting to save for my trip to Ireland is battling greatly with the fact that i hate my job. i don't like working for people! Even though i only work once or twice a week i'm severely depressed at the thought of having to go :( Maybe once i get some stuff up on etsy i'll be able to earn a little extra, perhaps enough to justify leaving my job?
Only one more year and i will be done with school as well, hopefully i do well enough on my HSC to get into the university i'm dreaming of.
The days are getting so much warmer and longer now that summers on the way! Soon enough i will be enjoying a lovely, sunny Christmas with family, big lunches and Christmas morning cartoons.