my last job had me considering death rather than serving coffee to a bunch of rude tourists every weekend when i could have been doing other thing like still being in bed or eating toast. that's an exaggeration but the point is my job was shit.
sadly, i've reached the decision that i need to get another job. but this time the job will be entirely unrelated to coffee in every way.
with a whole lot of 18th birthday parties coming up i feel obliged to bring some wort of alcoholic beverage other wise, feeling bad, i'll sit in the corner drinking tap water all night. sadly this costs money, something i don't have, as you probably picked up.
in other news- it's raining again! wow, what a bloody surprise! here's a picture of my beautiful view. i use this window (yes, it's broken) to look out upon the town and survey my kingdom.
this is it in it's current state