loads of stuff has happened and i don't know how i feel about everything, it's all pretty crazy. i'm so happy for summer coming and festival season and sunniness and so many other things. i've finished school, just about to start working, just about to move out of home and also i'm in ireland right now which is pretty cool.
and even though ireland is lovely and there's heaps of greatness and rainbows (mostly of the literal kind) i've never been more excited for anything than i am to get back to australia. i'm sorry i ever doubted you australia, you're actually a really cool guy. then theres friends and family and boyfriend and australian tea bags :'|
i got some nice pictures. i'm happy. i've also been drawing loads because i've had a lot of time seeing as we're staying with my great-grandma who lives in a not very happening neighbourhood. it's been nice and it's definitely made me appreciate just how awesome my australian people are, they're going to get such a fucking hug.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
so, yeah, i'm back!
there have been some not so good times involving an eating disorder i've had for a few years and counselors i'm being forced to see as a result. that's about it, really. in order to avoid annoying everyone with boring tales about things of this nature i created a new more boring, more depressing blog here.
sorry i've been away for a while, i'm certain that everyone has been missing my exciting blog updates but not to worry, i am back.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
it's autumn :')
i'm so happy for autumn! how good is autumn? it's the best thing ever! that's pretty much all i have to say on the subject of autumn, now for some upsetting news.
i had to write an essay yesterday. it was not a good thing. i had to sit down, on the computer and NOT go on things like facebook and blogger. well, i did do that, but at the same time i had to write an essay which really took away from the whole experience.
aww yeeaah, doing homework.. well, "doing"...

artistic representation of Jacinta's mood
Anyway... some good things also happened, like, that weren't homework related. but o don't have time to write about them right now as i'm actually supposed to be getting ready for tafe. i will recount the good times at a later date! *BIG KISS*
Friday, February 17, 2012
bad news (for me). in a deep state of poor, i realised that if i'm going to be able to continue doing anything (catching the train, catching the bus, buying a coffee, buying anything, etc) then i'm going to have to re-enter the depressing world of employment.
my last job had me considering death rather than serving coffee to a bunch of rude tourists every weekend when i could have been doing other thing like still being in bed or eating toast. that's an exaggeration but the point is my job was shit.
sadly, i've reached the decision that i need to get another job. but this time the job will be entirely unrelated to coffee in every way.
with a whole lot of 18th birthday parties coming up i feel obliged to bring some wort of alcoholic beverage other wise, feeling bad, i'll sit in the corner drinking tap water all night. sadly this costs money, something i don't have, as you probably picked up.
in other news- it's raining again! wow, what a bloody surprise! here's a picture of my beautiful view. i use this window (yes, it's broken) to look out upon the town and survey my kingdom.
my favorite hangout, where i eat, draw, watch movies, study* and avoid the household cats (to no prevail) *lie
this is it in it's current state
my dear friend Peats. almost one year old (a personal goldfish best!), he keeps me company while i eat and is infinitely cooler than the cats
my last job had me considering death rather than serving coffee to a bunch of rude tourists every weekend when i could have been doing other thing like still being in bed or eating toast. that's an exaggeration but the point is my job was shit.
sadly, i've reached the decision that i need to get another job. but this time the job will be entirely unrelated to coffee in every way.
with a whole lot of 18th birthday parties coming up i feel obliged to bring some wort of alcoholic beverage other wise, feeling bad, i'll sit in the corner drinking tap water all night. sadly this costs money, something i don't have, as you probably picked up.
in other news- it's raining again! wow, what a bloody surprise! here's a picture of my beautiful view. i use this window (yes, it's broken) to look out upon the town and survey my kingdom.
this is it in it's current state
Saturday, February 4, 2012
It's 12:43am, way past my bedtime, and i feel kind of sick so i can't get to sleep. To deal with this situation i decided it would be best for me to write a post on here. I warn you it will be desperately boring so i understand if you wish to quickly close this page while you have the chance- i won't be offended. Mostly because i won't know, which is why this is such a good opportunity for you to ignore me without any feeling getting hurt! This is a very stupid post. Hmm...
I have to go back to school on monday. Lame. But on the bright side- last year of school! Next time i study it'll be something i actually want to be learning about! Well, i suppose i'd better leave before i write something even more pointless than the afore mentioned stupid
I have to go back to school on monday. Lame. But on the bright side- last year of school! Next time i study it'll be something i actually want to be learning about! Well, i suppose i'd better leave before i write something even more pointless than the afore mentioned stupid
Friday, January 27, 2012
I miss camping. Maybe i should become a gypsy. As devastating as it was having to set up my $15 k-mart tent (of terrible quality) in the rain (and on more than one occasion we actually considered sleeping in the front and passenger seats) it was all kinds of excellent not knowing what would happen the next day and boiling hot water over a very disappointingly assembled campfire (my fault) and meeting awesome people you wouldn't normally talk to back home. I miss drinking tea with european backpackers and having conversations with couples while their kids paddled in a creek. Also this one possum that stuck it's head in my tea cup for like 10 minutes and then scuttled off into a tree where it proceeded to stare at us for what i can only assume was a long time. We got bored and went to sleep. Good times! And now i'm back in the same town i've lived in since i was 5. Not so exciting but i guess it's cool to have a place you know you'd always be able to come back to.
Just one more year and i'll be holidaying madly around the UK and Ireland with my good mate Bec and a few of her old England friends. And then i might have to become a gypsy as i have no other ideas if what should happen with my life. Hang on, i'm annoying myself. I'm going to suggest that i shut up and stop talking about the future's uncertainties
Monday, January 23, 2012
Finally in my own bed. I can't tell you how great this is after spending nearly every night for the last week on very hard ground with a rather shitty sleeping bag. But i did have heaps of fun, we stopped in a lot of little towns, all with weird names, on the drive down and then stayed 3 nights in a motel in Dandenong. The drive back was infinitely less enthusiastic. Probably owing to the fact that the weather was horrible, and just to make matters worse i got a three month suspension on my licence and an annoyingly large fine *sigh* Then as if to add insult to injury it was too wet to set up the tent. We slept in the car. This my friends was a bad day. But aside from that, it was just so excellent to be in places i'd never seen before and meet people i'd never met. We caught up with the very same Germans we met camping a couple of weeks ago and had a very good time.

Ah Porepunkah.. Awesome place, awesome name :)

Little lane in Melbourne looking suspiciously like diagon alley but with probably more vegan cafes

Feast to celebrate staying at a place with a shower
Now my throat hurts and i want nothing more than to lie in bed with a cup of something warm, good to be home and showered.
Hmm, these photos are depressingly pixilated and i don't know why. Maybe i should sleep in compensation
Friday, January 13, 2012
I'm an avid fan of packing. Packing is great. I get to see all the stuff i'll have with me on my trip in front of me in one beautiful pile of greatness. I'm not completely sure if i've ever learned the appropriate amount to pack for a week long trip though, usually i just put the things i like to use ever day in a backpack and hope for the best, it seems to work out. I've never packed to go overseas before but i expect when that day finally comes (IRELAND IN MAY!!!) i may very well implode in a fit of packing excitement. Travelling around Australia does have it's advantages (Vegemite readily accessible). And if i didn't get a proper look at Australia, how could i properly compare it to other countries? (But mostly the Vegemite thing.)
If you've ever been to Australia for any amount of time you probably know that you never have any fucking idea what the weather is going to be like tomorrow. It snowed in Victoria this week- it's the middle of summer, dammit! Like, the other day i camped for a night about 10 minutes from where i live and i needed a scarf and at least a thousand layers of jumpers. Fortunately, even though i was expecting to be able to bask in lovely, warm lakes, i always pack way to much which means i'm prepared for everything! And by everything i mean sudden changes in weather. Not cool to say the least. Or VERY cool rather! Hahahahaha... ok.
Is this an appropriate amount to pack for a week long camping trip? Embarrassingly i packed 3 jumpers. But i made up for it by probably not having enough of anything else as it's all in the wash.
If you've ever been to Australia for any amount of time you probably know that you never have any fucking idea what the weather is going to be like tomorrow. It snowed in Victoria this week- it's the middle of summer, dammit! Like, the other day i camped for a night about 10 minutes from where i live and i needed a scarf and at least a thousand layers of jumpers. Fortunately, even though i was expecting to be able to bask in lovely, warm lakes, i always pack way to much which means i'm prepared for everything! And by everything i mean sudden changes in weather. Not cool to say the least. Or VERY cool rather! Hahahahaha... ok.

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Right, so in a fit of holiday boredom my friend and i decided upon a week-long road trip to melbourne, drawing inspiration from some german friends we made camping the other day. Though they were planning on stopping at canberra- not a fun choice.
I wanted to go to brisbane, said friend wanted to go melbourne. But after some not very good compromising "we" decided upon melbourne. I plan on making her listen to all of my own music choices on the way in exchange for my gallantly, she has not yet been informed of this side of the deal. I went to melbourne last christmas with my family and to be honest it's more or less exactly the same as sydney but with less harbour bridge and more trams. I think there were slightly less crazies but what they lacked in mentally unsound citizens they made up for in large numbers of try-hard hipsters.
To be fair there may be the same amount in sydney now so i'm willing to give melbourne another chance...
My favorite things about melbourne would have to be the anticipation of arriving in melbourne and leaving melbourne (because that means more road tripping!). Also the kiwi fruit juice we found in woolworths. Or should i say safeway? For thats what it's called in Melbourne! Pretty crazy stuff, i tell you. Also, i was forbidden from leaving the motel due to the fact that a St Kilda vs. Collingwood football match had just taken place and i was nearly strangled with black and red scarf on my way to buy bread. melbourne is actually awesome, but it is like sydney.
all the fun of kiwi fruit in the convenience of a glass!
The quality of the pictures i keep adding to my posts is decreasing rapidly. I apologise. Good photos will be taken soon!
Monday, January 9, 2012
wow 2012
can't believe it's a new year already. it's so weird.. only one more year of school. i'll likely be unemployed and homeless by this time next year.
i don't know what i want to do. it seems like it finished way too fast, time goes faster than my mind can make itself up!
sydney uni? gap year? uni overseas? :S i've never used that face before but it seems to fit the situation.
anyway, had probably the best christmas and new years i can remember. went to peats ridge for new years and made friends from belgium! they do like to drink. got a few new years kisses, though admittedly that was not of my own volition, i was just dived on mid-dance.
ooh, met the guys from san cisco! and gotye was amazing, i think it was more the atmosphere than anything. hope everyone enjoys the rest of the christmas holidays!
no related photos, so very boring of me :(
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