Wednesday, December 7, 2011


it's been raining for waaay too long now... it's the eighth day of summer and it's been raining for the last few months with only the (extremely) odd sunny day on occasion. worst summer and spring ever! i love the rain, but not when it's supposed to be picnicking and bike riding and camping season. not a cool way to start the christmas holidays. anyway, enough about the rain.. although i was really only going to complain for a little bit so i'm not sure what to say now. i'm reading the perks of being a wallflower, it's pretty good. perfect book weather, i'm not gonna lie
the front yard being wet. the usual. i thought at least with the rain my beautiful tomato and snow pea seedling would grow accordingly but this did not happen (my cat sat on them, the usual complaint)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

harry potter exhibition

although i was sure that after the final movie came out i would kill myself, i'm glad i didn't because i would not have been able to visit this. it was amazing, i walked around with my mouth open like an idiot the whole time, much to everyone else's displeasure. but there was no other way to react, this exhibition was incredible, loved the gryffindor common room notice board.

we weren't allowed to take pictures inside but thankfully we managed to get a very bad picture of the knight but which was parked outside, and do an equally bad drawing of our time at the exhibition (again, to great displeasure.)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

a very tardy post about something very brilliant

Many months after this actually happened, but i had an absolutely amazing time watching the last Deathly Hallows part 2! I saw a midnight screening in Sydney with some lovely people, and the met some other lovely people while waiting for it to begin. I cried nearly the whole way through, i cant believe i have no more Harry Potter to looks forward to for the first time since my first HP experience at the age of 5.

The Hallows arranged on a beard


My wanting to save for my trip to Ireland is battling greatly with the fact that i hate my job. i don't like working for people! Even though i only work once or twice a week i'm severely depressed at the thought of having to go :( Maybe once i get some stuff up on etsy i'll be able to earn a little extra, perhaps enough to justify leaving my job?
Only one more year and i will be done with school as well, hopefully i do well enough on my HSC to get into the university i'm dreaming of.
The days are getting so much warmer and longer now that summers on the way! Soon enough i will be enjoying a lovely, sunny Christmas with family, big lunches and Christmas morning cartoons.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i am very happy

You can probably guess my mood from the post heading, and if you can't you probably can't read what i'm writing now so never mind.
But if you CAN read this, i have really exciting news! or it's exciting for me anyway. I'm going to Ireland next May! It'll be the first time i've left Australia and i can't wait. I'm going to sit in country pubs and listen to violin solos and look at castles :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

honey jumbles

oh my god, they taste like a mixture of honey, cinnamon and happiness xx

Monday, January 17, 2011

mermaid caves

good afternoon :)
pretty busy last few days, had to go through at least a billion books with mum... got rid of about 5. i found so many books i didn't even know we had, i have lots to read now which just as well as i have a quite the library late fee :/also went to visit govetts leap, i'm lucky to live where i do but i can't help wishing i was somewhere else, you may or may not know what i mean.

then to mermaids cave, perhaps the loveliest place ever?

better go finish baking my biscuits, how very exciting :) night lovelies xx

Saturday, January 8, 2011

new year

yesterday i had some friends over, while we were waiting for the rest to arrive i arranged these dolls in what i thought were extremely amusing positions.

i'm pleased with my nails in this picture :)

we drank, we ate, it rained and we had to wait in a picnic shelter for 2 hours til the lighting stopped. good times
happy new year!